Eugene V. Debs campaign

Saturday, March 26, 2005

More Rand Horseshit and a BESTGOOD link !

Rush has long been the favorite band of a hard-core group of devoted followers, not unlike the kind of subculture surrounding Rand herself. The Prices' Mystic Rhythms explores the thematic content of Peart's lyrics, imbued, as they are, with "infectious optimism" (7). Though his lyrics invite comparison to the words of Plato, Martin Heidegger, Jean-Paul Sartre, and Colin Wilson, it is Rand, say the authors, who is Peart's major influence. In compositions such as "Red Alert," "The Big Money," "The Weapon," and "Red Barchetta," Peart engages in a Randian repudiation of the herd mentality and social conformity and an "exaltation of the individual"—which the authors identify as "the fundamental assumption of political conservatism" and its "distaste for Big Government." He celebrates the human body and its beauty, the human mind and its promise and projects an ideal man, not unlike Rand's Howard Roark or John Galt. The rebellious "New World Man" is "self-formation" and "self-actualization" personified, at war with social constructions of the individual. New World Man is a manifestation of the "conservative" vision "of a society composed of many individuals and taking its shape, flavor, and character from them" (77).

Saturday, March 12, 2005

Munro Rex (Dusty and Otherwise)

You gotta get that Dusty in London CD. The Dusty ... Definitely LP (which was passed over here in favor of DIM [there's one o' them 33 1/3 books on that one, by the way]) + some worthwhile extra stuff. The single best vesrion of "Another Piece of My Heart" ever, Erma Franklin or no (hell with Janis Joplin). "Love Power" by The Sandpebbles. Et al. Also, her Where am I Going? album (her cover of Baby Washington's "I Can't Wait Until I See My baby's Face" there was sampled by St. Etienne for "Nothing Can Stop Us Now," and her version of Cissy "Whitney's mama" Houston's "Bring Him Back" is killer). She does a mean "Crumbs on the Table" (Laura Lee) ca. 1974 ...

Friday, March 04, 2005

from Pgh Mystery Board ("elrondhubbard"?)

at some point the rest of the country is gonna find out about pittsburgh, and a ton of dumb hipsters and yuppies are gonna move here because its so cheap and "unpretentious" and rent is gonna go thru the roof and everybody who's here now is gonna walk around saying, "man, i remember when pittsburgh was cool. it used to be cheap and everbody knew each other." then when they go to see ida or whoever and all these people they dont know are singing along with their songs and being douchebags, they gonna be like "fuck this."
enjoy it while it lasts.

Thursday, March 03, 2005

how many triangles are changed in his room?